Thirty minutes remain in 2012 and I'm thrilled to have this year behind us. This year has been the most emotionally draining year we've ever experienced. We experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. My dad passed away in January after a tough fight with pancreatic cancer. In June we welcomed our sweet daughter, Kennedy Marie, into the world after a traumatic emergency c-section. We sold our first home and have yet to find a new place to call home. I quit my job and became a stay-at-home mom. The Mr. started a new job after seven years with his last company. We were also baptized this year and through our faith in Christ we've been able to keep moving forward, even when at times, it seemed impossible. Our motto this year has been, "We can do hard things". Because in the reality of it, things have been tough, but this is only a small sliver of time in the scheme of things. We've been praying that 2013 is a calmer year with less trying moments and more enjoyable moments spent as a family. With all of that being said, we can't imagine our lives without our sweet daughter. She has brought light back into our lives and we truly believe she was added to our family at the perfect time. Cheers to a beautiful New Year!

Last belly picture-early June.
Kennedy Marie
7lbs, 8oz-19.75in
Our sweet girl in her faux fur!
September Iowa trip for Dad's memorial.
Visiting Daddy in the hospital (while he had pneumonia)-December.
P.S. I didn't post once in 2012! I think that's symbolic of the crazy year we experienced!