We're so proud to be auntie and uncle to this Sweet, miracle child! He's amazing to say the least!
When my sister's water broke at 24 weeks, she was instantly put on hospital bed rest. She was transported from Evergreen Hospital to Swedish Medical Center the day her water broke (Swedish has a better NICU). She then began to rest, worry, read, research preemies, watch movies, knit, etc for 6 long weeks! Beautiful Talan Chandran was born on December 22nd, 2008 (just shy of hitting the 31 week mark)! Mind you this was during the horrible Seattle Snow Storm 2008! Thanks to uncles BJ's awesome driving skills, we arrived safely at the hospital to witness the miracle that joined our family (two months before his due date)! We still don't know why her water broke so early, but we do know Talan is already a fighter for cookin' in mom's tummy for six weeks!
Last week, Talan was finally released to the outside world! It is so nice to hold him without wires, nurses, monitors, etc!
We're definitely enjoying being Auntie Ali and Uncle BJ!
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