March for Babies 2009!
On Sunday morning I awoke at the crack of dawn (6:15) to participate in the 2009 March of Dimes! This event was so special to our family this year, since our darling nephew-Talan was born 10 weeks prematurely, and had to spend several long weeks in the NICU. My sister and her husband are very blessed to have so many caring and thoughtful friends. Several friends walked with us on Sunday to support 'Team Talan'. It was amazing to see that 'Team Talan' raised over $2,000!! Overall, it was a very good day; the weather was on our side, and the 3.5 mile walk was just what I needed after all those calorie filled Margaritas that I enjoyed in Mexico!Me, Shawna, Talan, Mom!
The team of walkers!

Me, Shawna and Talan!

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