Saturday, January 30, 2010

{Shattered Dreams}
When we closed on our house last September, visions of pretty decor and a large tax refund danced in my mind. Well, fast forward to last night. Those wonderful visions of a large tax return were shot down! If we didn't have the First Time Home Buyer Credit deduction we would have had to pay! Therefore, we aren't getting the wonderful $8000! We're getting the $8000 less the amount we owed! Come on, I thought we were going to get all of the interest back that we paid on our mortgage payments, and a chunk of our closing costs, but nope! I guess it comes down to, the more you make the more they take.
I do have a little piece of mind knowing that next year they will have to give us a big return because the good old husband is the only one makin' the cheddar! Oh and we will have a whole year of tuition payments and mortgage interest to deduct! Haha Mr. Government, what do you think about that?!
Also, last night we were further annoyed when we found out that we couldn't file our taxes online. We have to print and mail them in. The annoying thing about this it that the refund takes longer and we didn't have any black toner in our printer (I printed a 37 page online reading for school earlier). So I suggested that we print it in pink or purple ink to show them! Brendan didn't think that would be such a good idea! Haha! I guess we will be picking up black toner today.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

{Random Thoughts}
1. I received a grade of 3.7 on my Technological Autobiography paper which was about blogging! I am so excited!
2. I have my first exam tomorrow! I'm a little nervous, but not really, because the professor is allowing a 1 page outline for the essay portion of the exam.
3. Today in my Literature class, a girl sat in front of me and played on FaceBook during the entire 2 hour and 5 minute class. I was so annoyed! It's like come on girlfriend, you are spending $2,525 per quarter to sit and play on FaceBook?!?
4. I'm excited for Valentine's Day! I can't wait to dig out our lovey decor!
5. It's almost Friday (well my Friday, which is Thursday!)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy 24th Birthday, Brendan!

I hope you've enjoyed your special day!

You are the best husband and I am so grateful you're mine!

I Love you!!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mom!

You are the most amazing woman and I'm so proud to call you Mom!

I Love you!

{Keep on Writin'}

I'm currently working on a paper, due Monday, on the differences between two literary works from the 1850's, and how the female main characters try to balance the different Spheres of society, the Public Sphere and the Private Sphere. But, I'm just not feeling the whole, write a four page paper, and make it witty and include quotes, and show how you can 'read closely' right now. But the interesting thing I've come to learn is that women who worked outside of the home during this time period, were viewed as dirty, manly and untouchable by their husbands. Boy, oh, boy have things changed?! It is so interesting to me to learn about how our societal norms have shifted and changed over the years!

Another interesting learning experience from this week, is that I wrote a four pager on Monday, in regards to my Technological Autobiography for my Media and Society class. I had to pick a technological medium that I use closely on a daily basis. I decided to write about the world of blogging. Wow, who would have thought that blogging would some how be incorporated into my school life? Very interesting!

Alright, I guess I should get back to my paper writing! :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I'm trying...

Well, as I mentioned in my last post, I'm loving my new role as a domestic goddess. Although, I must say that all the domestic intuitions haven't kicked in, for example:

Hubby: Hey hun, do you know why my underwear are hairy? It looks like it might be Bella hair.

Me: Well, umm.... Ok, do you want the truth.

Hubby: Um, yes...

Me: Ok, I had a brilliant idea to wash Bella's blanket with our underpants, since they both needed to be washed in hot water.

Hubby: Oh hun. Well, that was a great idea, but, maybe next time you shouldn't wash the dog's stuff with our undergarments.

Me: Yes, I already decided that. Hey, don't be so cynical; I'm new at this job.

Hubby: You're trying really hard; I'm sorry!

A few nights later I attempted to make rice crispy treats with left over Christmas marshmallows. Well, unless you want brown rice crispy treats, I suggest NOT mixing red and green marshmallows with your rice crispies. Also, I suggest not serving warm rice crispy treats on napkins, they will stick to the napkin! One last thing, rice crispy treats should NOT be stored in the fridge. You will definitely end up being a hard mess and when you try cutting it, rice crispies will go everywhere, (including your hair).

Anyways, I'm trying and as my mom has told me, "you'll get there".

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

{2010 So Far}

Well 2010 has started off on the right track! I don't think I could be anymore content with our lives right now. I LOVE not working! I'm also loving school, even though I have a ton of homework every night. I am also enjoying my role as a Domestic Goddess; our home has been perfect since I quit my job. No dirty dishes, dirty floors, dirty bathrooms, excess laundry, etc. I have also been really good about planning out our meals in advance and then doing one big grocery trip per week. Brendan is working hard as ever at his job! I will forever be grateful for his support in my educational endeavor! As the rain increases around here, we've been itching to plan a little getaway during my spring break. I don't know if this idea will work, but we're trying to pull something together!

On the home front, we're still without a shower (thanks for letting us use your shower, Mom & Dad) we're also left with several small projects that must get completed before we host a house-warming party. Also, we've been planning out our landscaping and outside living spaces to be tackled in the Spring! We're also tinkering with the idea of adding french doors from our master bedroom to our backyard. I think it would be lovely to wake up on a Saturday morning and sip coffee on our own little deck.

Well that's all I have for now, since I haven't hooked up my new camera...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

I'm sitting here typing from my new laptop! I just organized my school supplies and am getting ready for my first day back at school! Even though we eliminated an income on the 31st, I am very calm and excited with the new path my life is taking! I am so excited that I will FINALLY receive my bachelor's degree in 5 quarters! Life is good! (I've already started my list of wishful graduation presents!)

I am also excited that I finally received a new camera! I can't wait to take 'after' pictures of our new home! I still can't believe how much we have done to this little house over the past 4 months! Tomorrow night the camera will be removed from the box and hopefully I will capture some fun images!

Good night!