Monday, April 26, 2010

Wow, I really haven't posted anything for 1.5 months! When we look back at this blog 30 years from now, we will probably say, "we didn't do anything for 1.5 months during 2010". Well actually we have been busy, and haven't taken any pictures to document our comings and goings. Instead I'll do what I do best, make a list...

-I finished out my first quarter back at college on a strong note. I ended up earning a spot on the Dean's List.

-We didn't go anywhere on Spring Break! I was bored out of my mind!

-This quarter has been kickin' my booty, but so far I have an 'A' in all three classes.

-I apply for graduation on May 3rd (I have to apply 3 quarters before graduation!).

-I've already started stressing about finding employment after graduation.

-We've, errr... I mean Bren, has been working hard in the yard. (Most of the time I use homework as an excuse not to pull weeds).

-We're trying to plan a vacation for late August or Early September.

-I decided to take classes during summer quarter, because I drove my husband nuts during my spring break. You're probably wondering why? Well, I decided that I needed to organize and label every nook and cranny of our house! Not even kidding!

Well I think that's about it! We'll see if I ever get pictures on here...